
Autism The Essential Guide to Understanding Autism



The Essential Guide to Understanding Autism

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Table of Contents

C hapter 1 – What Is Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

C hapter 2 – What Are the Factors that Contribute to Autism . . . . . . . . 4

C hapter 3 – Autism and Genetics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

C hapter 4 – What Are the Symptoms of Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

C hapter 5 – What Are the Speech and Communication Problems of Autism . . . . . . . . 7

C hapter 6 – Autism and Body Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

C hapter 7 – Autism, Toxic Metals, and Vaccines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

C hapter 8 – The Cause of Autism Might Be Found in Autistic Mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0

C hapter 11 – How Is Autism Diagnosed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3

C hapter 12 – Myths about Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4

C hapter 13 – How to Look for Autism Signs in Infants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5

Chapter 14 – How Can Families Cope With an Autistic Child and the Financial

B urden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6

C hapter 15 – The Difference Between Asperger’s Syndrome and Autism . . . . . . . . . 1 7

C hapter 16 – Autism Assistance Dogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8

C hapter 17 – Teaching Autistic Children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9

C hapter 18 – The Fixation Behavior of an Autistic Child . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1

C hapter 19 – The Autism Society of America . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2

C hapter 20 – Childproofing Your Home for Your Autistic Child . . 2 3

C hapter 21 – Autism and Nutritional Supplements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4

C hapter 23- Toilet Training the Autistic Child . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6

C hapter 23- Difficulties of an Autistic Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 7

C hapter 22 – Alternative Treatments for Autism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8

Chapter 1 – What Is Autism

You may have seen an autistic child or adult and never knew that the person had

a diagnosis. Your ignorance about the disorder is not uncommon because most people

who are not experienced with the disorder look at autistic people as those who are

mentally retarded or have some learning disability. This is not true. Autism is a very

complicated disorder that affects children typically from the age of three to conception.

The disorder is neurological in nature and primarily affects the areas of the brain where

communication and social interaction is developed. To the unsuspecting person, the

autistic child or adult would be considered mentally unstable or retarded.

The unique thing about autism and the reason it is sometimes hard to detect is

that the disorder affects different sufferers in different levels of complexity. A mildly

affected child may be able to communicate their wants and needs, but there

communication is often stifled and they do not understand the subtleties of the English

language. Sometimes humor, irony, and other nuances of the language will present a

difficult or impassible barrier to the child’s communication process. Another autistic

sufferer may have severe autism where the child or the adult cannot communicate at

all. The sad thing is that the autistic person can think about the what they want to say

and how to communicate it, but the words do not come out and their silence on appears

on the outside.

Can you imagine trying to communicate with your teacher or parent and the

words won’t come out? You know the answer to the question and you know how to do

the task, but the communication and the rest of your body just doesn’t come out. That

is why it is difficult for both teachers and parents to understand what autism is and how

to deal with it. The child cannot even communicate its wants and needs during play

with other children. A simple act of digging with a sand shovel can be an awkward

movement or grunt that would be totally misunderstood by the other child.

Autistic children act differently to normal situations than other kids. Loud noises,

a deviation from a familiar route, or a change in time schedule can set an autistic child

off with sometimes violent consequences. The acts of an autistic child could be

misinterpreted as a behavior disorder or an emotional disorder. Simple communication

is not there. If a autistic child is hot, it has been reported that some will strip naked in

public and run around. The communication is there. They are hot. It is cooler when I

am naked. Therefore I will be naked and be cool. Again, the communication is there,

but the socially accepted communication in which we communicate is not.

According to statistics, almost four million children will be born with autism in the

next decade. The diagnoses of autistic children are becoming more refined, but think

about the number of children misdiagnosed in the past where there learning and life skill

accommodations were not met by professionals. Autism is a tragic disorder and many

parents should be given kudos for the extra time and energy it takes to raise an autistic

child. In this e-book you will learn the characteristics of autism, its symptoms,

treatments, and learning strategies that will help both you and your child. Though the

definition of autism is still sketchy for health care professionals and psychologists, you

will learn more about autism and have a more definitive approach when dealing with

autism as a teacher, parent, or someone who works with these special people.

Chapter 2 – What Are the Factors that Contribute to Autism

Autism is a mystery for most health care professionals. They have found no one

clear cause for autism though there are several factors that are common throughout the

research. The most common is that autistic sufferers have abnormalities in their brain.

When compared to non-autistic people, autistic brains are shaped differently and

function differently. There are many theories concerning the factors that contribute to

autism in which genetics, heredity, and environmental aspects are suspected. The

genetic theory is supported that in some families there are patterns of disabilities and

mental illness that are frequent and autism is considered apart of this pattern.

What causes the mutations or the passing of the autistic gene is uncertain. Some

researchers believe that a group of unstable genes interfere with the development of the

brain during the early years of life and these genes rearrange themselves to hinder the

proper realignment of brain tissue. If this is truly a factor for the contribution to autism

then it cannot be stopped with today’s medical knowledge. If the genes are isolated,

genetic screening before pregnancy can determine if the parents have a predisposition

to give birth to an autistic child.

Environmental factors have been another theory that researchers have come up

with. The research for this idea is very sketchy and according to the Agency for Toxic

Substances and Disease Registry there has been no link between autism and an

outside source such as chemicals or other toxins in the environment. Remember that

this may be a link and the research is just not showing the connection yet. With all the

pollution that is in our air and water and all the contaminants we consume in our food,

there is all likelihood that environmental factors are indeed a piece in the puzzle.

Physical medical condition has shown a possibly of being a contributing factor.

Conditions such as tuberous sclerosis and congenital rubella syndrome has yielded

results that there is a high percentage of autistic manifestations after diagnosis. Also

phenylketonuria also known as PKU and fragile X syndrome has been known to

contribute a high number of cases that also link themselves to autism. The jury is still

out to whether these conditions have percentages high enough to officially correlate

evidence that leads to autism, but at this point the suspicion is there.

The contributing factors are sketchy at best, but there are factors that you can

rule out. For some reason autistic kids have a predisposition to the autistic condition.

You can’t blame the parents for the parents have no control over their DNA. If a family

does have a high occurrence of disabilities, they should still have right and the ability to

procreate and to have happiness as a family. Environmental conditions are also not

completely to blame unless a parent on purpose puts toxins into their bodies before or

during pregnancy. Some say that drugs and alcohol consumption by the parent is a

contributing factor. So far there is no link to drugs, alcohol, or alcohol fetal syndrome

and autism. For now we have to accept autism for what it is. The child, parents, or

genetics are not to be blamed until there is more research done and more evidence that

point to one contributing factor. For now until that research is done we must do

everything we can to let the silent voices be heard and help those already inflicted with

this terrible disorder.

Chapter 3 – Autism and Genetics

Right now, genetics seem the only real connection for a cause and effect in

regards to autism. Genetic research is being done right now and the call for research

from the National Autistic Society is desperate. They are willing to look at any research

in the realm of genetics and autism and will help correlate future research with what

they have in their archives now. There are some promising breakthroughs but there is

not enough evidence to support a grounded theory. The only general theme that has

been found is that there is a genetic link between close relatives and the sufferers of


The search for the specific gene that causes this link is not under study. The

Collaborative Autism Project and the International Genetic Study have been studying

chromosomes that might have an influence on whether a child is autistic or not. This

sounds difficult, but researchers are not even sure that it is just one gene that causes

autism. If more than one gene affects autism outcomes, then even though the chance

of finding one of those genes is statistically greater, the excitement and following

research may ignore the others. Both research facilities have come to one conclusion

but it is a weak one at best. They believe that the gene might be found in chromosome

7 of our genetic makeup. This means they have found a possible haystack and now

they have to look for the needle.

Dr. Michael Dougherty of the American Institute of Biological Sciences argues

the pure genetic cause theory. He thinks that there is a combination between both

genetics and environmental factors. This could be true because outside environmental

changes affect both phenotypical and genotypical characteristics of an organism. He

believes that chromosome 12 is the main culprit to the genetic side of autism. If a child

receives two mutated copies of this chromosome the amino acids that are a part of food

proteins cannot be broken down. This would lead to a mutation in the development of

the brain and particularly the part of the brain that controls communication and social

skills. He adds that the presence of phenylketonuria may call another malfunction of the

brain that produces behavior that will be diagnosed as autism. Since the PKU can be

detected at birth and when detected, a special diet thwarts the negative side effects;

both PKU and genetics have duel roles in the creation of autism.

The collaboration to find data and share research on autism is still in its infancy.

The collaboration process between researchers only began in 1996. This means only a

decade has been dedicated to finding the source of the disorder. The gene mapping

projects that have fascinated researchers for years have yielded results to the cause

and some cures of many diseases since it has begun. This give hopes to people who

have autistic children and also hope to prospective parents who think that might be

predisposed to the gene. Remember though, if the gene is found it is only a step to the

cure. The gene’s discovery will only allow the medical community to let parents know

they have a predisposition before pregnancy and once pregnant the disorder has a

good chance of occurring. Only time and patience will be needed to find both the cause

and the cure of this disturbing disorder. All the parents can do for their child that has

the disorder is to love them and give them the quality of life that they deserve. As with

all diseases, autism will someday be a thing of the past.

Chapter 4 – What Are the Symptoms of Autism

The symptoms of autism are hard to define because each autistic child is unique

in their own way. Not only are the symptoms individualized but the severity of the

disorder also differs from child to child. One child might have mild autism and be able to

function normally at home or in the classroom. The only difference you might see is

minor social awkwardness when interacting with other or a certain preference of where

there food is positioned on a plate. On the severe side you might see a child that has

no communication skills. They are impulsive and their behavior, though no fault of

theirs, borders on one that is socially unacceptable. Some autistic children have no fear

of social norms.

One of the symptoms of autism is a delayed or unusual speech pattern. When

young severe autistic children will grunt, stutter, or talk slowly with long breaks between

each word or syllable. Mild autistic children have been known to memorize entire books

or scripts from a television show. There was a case in Maine where a teenage autistic

boy could not tell you what he had for breakfast or what his mother’s name was but he

could tell you, by cabin, the entire passenger manifest of the Titanic. Other cases have

included numbers in their speech pattern. A autistic child in Texas had the unusual

talent of counting the number of letters of each word as you spoke them. The count

was accurate and immediate, but again, simple knowledge was almost impossible to


Subtle nuances in language are also a symptom of autism. For example, the

autistic child would not understand humor or would find humor in something that was

not funny. The emotional reaction to irony or sarcasm would seem out of place and

unusual in normal conversation. Physical comedy may be understood by the autistic

child, but there actions in both body language and spoken word would seem

inappropriate to the situation. When talking to an autistic child, the lack of eye contact is

normally seen. They may be listening to you, but their body and eyes are concentrated

on something else. You may have their full attention, but you would think that the child

was totally consumed by another person or an object that has little significance to you.

The autistic child sometime does not have the ability to imagine anything outside

of self. If you asked an autistic child if they would like to do what their friend is doing or

how would you feel if that happened to you, they could not put the concept together to

compare themselves to the other person or situation. Putting themselves in another’s

shoes is not a concept they can grasp or communicate. When they do communicate it

may seem awkward and inappropriate. They may speak with a very high voice that

seems out of place or with a very flat voice that is sometimes inaudible or hard to

understand. The conversation, if they are capable will be void of any slang words or

words associated in the vocabulary of a person that age.

All these nuances and symptoms of the disorder can be viewed, especially by

peers, as being socially unacceptable and divergent of societal norms. Even when

playing with others, the other children will have a hard time interacting with the autistic

child. This could lead to isolation and further social development unless the interaction

is facilitated by an understanding adult.

Chapter 5 – What Are the Speech and Communication

Problems of Autism

Autism affects the speech and communication to some degree of all autistic

people. The communication varies and is usually contributed to the actual mental of the

brain to translate the communication and what social development the child has had. If

parents of an autistic child learn and practice methods that encourage the full use of the

communication skills that the child has, then the child will develop faster to meet their

mental ability. Some autistic children will never gain a voice. Some are silent and rarely

utter a sound while others know a few words or use grunts and noises in their effort to


On the opposite end of the autistic spectrum an autistic child may have a very

rich vocabulary and are able to discuss some subjects in depth and with a great deal of

intellectual insight. Others will be able to only discuss specialized subjects that either

they have a great interest in or they have mastered the ability to communicate about

that subject. No matter what the severity of autism is, it is not the words that they have

trouble with. Most autistic children can pronounce words correctly but it how the

language is used to make a coherent thought.

The language that you hear coming out of an autistic child’s mouth may be

incoherent to you. The rhythm of the words or the order of the words might be totally

mixed up. As the listener you would assume that the child didn’t know what they were

saying, but in the child’s mind the message is clear; there is just a short between the

brain and how the words come out of the mouth. If a child asks for a glass of water, he

or she may have the sentence formed in their head, but a grunt or dislocated words will

come out of their mouth.

The autistic child may repeat a phrase that they have learned to associate with a

physical action. The child may have heard, “Do you want a peanut butter and jelly

sandwich,” from his mother and will then associate that phrase every time they are

hungry. Instead of saying ‘I am hungry’ the child will used the same associated phrase,

‘Do you want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?’ They may even use this phrase for

multiple purposes. It may be used when they have to use the bathroom or they are

thirsty. The language can be learned by a caring parent but all to often the child

becomes frustrated when adults or peers do not understand them.

Other trait of language in the autistic child is the use of key phrases or key

sounds. For example an autistic child was witnessed starting every sentence with the

words, ‘I like fruitcake.’ No matter what he wanted or what he was trying to say, he

would start the conversation with ‘I like fruitcake, what is your name. I like fruitcake,

where do you live?’ This seems humorous at first but the child needed the phrase that

he knew to facilitate the other message he was adding to it. Other autistic children will

spell out a word they know like their name. For example they will say, ‘M-I-K-E, that

spells Mike, what is your name. That one bit of ingrained information that seems

disjointed is all they need to pull out the complete thought that follows. Remember when

dealing or communicating with an autistic child, have an open mind to what they are

communicating. Their words can or can not be taken literally and their meaning may be

the total opposite of what you are thinking.

Chapter 6 – Autism and Body Language

Now that we have learned that autism creates havoc with verbal speech and the

communication between the brain and how speech is produced, we now have to look at

how autism affects body language. Body language is the second form of

communication that humans use to express their wants and emotions. As with speech,

the autistic child has difficulty or no skill at all deciphering what a person is saying with

facial expressions or body language. If you want someone to come closer you wave to

them. If you want somebody to know your angry, you usually have a scowl on your

face. If you are sad or happy, you can see the emotion in your facial expression and

how you move your body.

The autistic child does not have an understanding or either body language of

facial expression. They are in a world that is centered in themselves and the nuances of

a gesture or hand motion is lost to them. Most autistic children have a hard time making

eye contact during conversation. If the adult speaking or working with them does have

this knowledge of no eye contact, it can be very for that adult to understand what is

happening. It can be frustrating for both the adult and the child when that simple

knowledge can save a lot of grief. The child may be listening to you and maybe even

understand what you have said, but there attention and focus looks like it is on

something else.

The autistic child may not even be looking at what you are thinking they are

looking at. Eye contact is a simple human reaction to communication and that reaction

within them does not exist. Even the simple activity of pointing to something you want

can be lost in translation to the untrained parent or teacher. If the child is pointing at a

cookie, the cookie may not be the object of his or her desire. The cookie is a symbol

that may represent that they are hungry or it may be so abstract that the shape of the

cookie, round, is the same shape as the toilet and they need to use the restroom. Even

color may be an indication of a connection between a want and an abstract idea. It

takes time and observation and a lot of out of the box thinking to link the communication

patterns of an autistic individual.

The autistic child will have trouble associating your voice and your words in

exactly what you want from them. Even their name may not be recognizable to them in

their brain and the response to your words may be slow or may not be attended to at all.

For this reason some autistic children who have not been diagnosed yet will have a

diagnosis of a hearing problem. This is not the case. The child just does not know to

respond to your words and if they respond it may not be in the manner that the parent or

other adult expects.

The use of grammar in a sentence for mild autistic child is again a problem.

Personal pronouns and verb agreement sometimes do not meet what the adult wants

the child to say. You may say, ‘it is your birthday today,’ and the child will repeat the

entire sentence back to you without changing the your to my. First, second, and third

person is not always used correctly or will not be used at all. Some autistic children will

be stuck on one view of person and will use it in every context. It takes patience and

time to be able to build a communication process, and even with both the autistic child

may never be able to communicate their needs.

Chapter 7 – Autism, Toxic Metals, and Vaccines

Thought some research disclaim that autism can spring from the use of vaccines,

doctors belonging to the American Academy of Pediatrics have found enough concern

that they issues a statement about nine years ago that goes against that research. The

statement of concern was about thimerosal, a preservative that is used in vaccines and,

believe it or not, contains mercury. Research has proved that mercury is very toxic and

can cause neurological and motor functions to misfire creating some pretty dramatic

disorders in children and adults.

Not only doe’s mercury cause motor and neurological disorders, it can also affect

the immune system and cause behavior dysfunctions. So what happens if you or your

child is vaccinated with a vaccine that contains thimerosal? Could a little of each

disorder come into the child and affect him or her in such a way that autism is

diagnosed. Look at the symptoms of autism and then look at the multiple disabilities

and disorders mercury can cause. This might explain the range of disabilities from mild

to severe in an autistic child.

Even the Food and Drug Administration stated that some infants, depending on

how much thimerosal was in the vaccine and how long between each vaccine, may be

exposed to high levels of ethyl mercury. This difference in dosage and time between

dosages is another clue to the severity or mildness that autistic children suffer. It only

makes since that if a child has had a large dosage of ethyl mercury and has those

dosages close together, especially in the early development of the body and brain, than

that child would have more severity in their autism symptoms than a child who had less

mercury administered to them.

If you compare the symptoms of mercury poisoned children with the symptoms of

autistic children, the similarities are amazingly close. So what comes first, the mercury

or the autism? The statistics alone are enough to warrant caution just because they

state that autism has been counted to have alarming increases since the early 1990s.

As the vaccines given to infants to prevent hepatitis B and HIB in children increased last

decade, so have the incidents of children being diagnosed with autism. Not only is this

curious, but the correlation of vaccines to autism is almost exponential.

This seems like enough evidence to warrant an investigation into the link of

mercury preservatives in vaccines and the amazing amount of autistic and mercury

poisoned children that have been diagnosed. Parents of vaccinated children are seeing

their once intelligent, bright, and socially normal child turn into a child that is wrought

with fevers, night terrors, and severe behavior disorders that can be closely associated

to some behaviors associated with autistic children. Even polio and chicken pox

vaccines are suspect at causing autistic type symptoms and parents and doctors are

beginning to question the practice.

The manufactures of mercury based vaccines have refused to provide research

about the link between mercury and autism and have declined to prove any evidence

that correlation does not exist. If you have an autistic child, look at their vaccination

records. If you see a vaccine that might contain ethyl mercury, contact the Center for

Disease Control to spur government agencies to fund more research.

Chapter 8 – The Cause of Autism Might Be Found in Autistic


About ninety out of every ten thousand person born in the United States will have

a diagnosis of autism before they are three years old. Boys will have a significantly

higher chance of contracting these horrible disorders than will girls. The causes of

autism have not been determined as of yet, but researchers at the University of Texas

are coming closer than most have yet. They have found the traits of autism such as

poor social interaction and high sensitivity in mice. The researchers believe if they can

find the cause of the behaviors exhibited in the mice, they will be one step closer to

finding the cause of human autism.

What the researchers can do with mice, they cannot do with human subjects.

They intend to examine the brain of this autistic mice and specifically the area of the

brain that deals with learning and memory. Though autism affects the ability to

communicate and interact with people around you, the researchers feel that the

chemical reactions in the brains of the mice will be similar to those who experience

autism. Proper communication is a learned behavior and your brain area that has the

job of producing memory and learning is supposed to allow you to accept this

information. Without the proper neurons or the interaction of chemicals in your brain,

the communication process will be lost.

The researchers are focusing of the Pten gene because this gene has the history

of being associated with other brain disorders. The similarity of autistic traits within the

mice could be associated with the similarity of autism and brain disorders found among

humans. The mice studied showed that they were not as curious as other mice in the

pen. When a new animal was introduced, the autistic mice showed little interest. The

same goes with an autistic child. When a new person enters the home or the

classroom, the autistic child will be uninterested while the non-autistic children will show

great interest and even try to communicate with the new comer.

The mice would not build nests nor would they look after their babies. They

would show disinterest in any of the normal goings on of normal mice. The mice

seemed disinterested in anything except their primal needs of food, water, and

defecation. When exposed to stimuli such as a loud noise or sudden movement like

being picked up, the autistic mice would act like an autistic child by overreacting to the

stimuli. The mice would scream and refrain from physical stimuli just as most autistic

children run from or cover their ears when over stimulated.

The only behaviors that were not in correlation between the mice and human

autistics were the repetitive behaviors or the obsessive motions that most human

autistic children exhibit. The only other similarities were that the mice had a larger head

and larger brain volume that is traditionally a symptom of human autism. Researchers

believe that if they can find the gene responsible for the autistic like behaviors in the

mice the quest to find the cause and cure of autism may be one step closer. This

research proves that there is hope for a autistic sufferers and if not for them, then for the

thousands of autistic children that are yet to be born.

Chapter 9 – Autism: The Need for Increased Research

Autism has increase 172% in the 1990s. Why? This disorder that impairs

language and impedes social skills is becoming a rising phenomena that is affecting

thousands of children, mainly males, in the United States and the world. The autistic

child is characterized by repetitive movements, obsessive desires, lack of eye contact,

and socially impaired or unacceptable behavior. Even though the autistic child may not

show these signs at birth, the symptoms will appear at about the age of a year and a

half, and the child will slowly loose what speech or communication they had gained


To this date there is no cause or cure that can be determined. Though research

has speculated of genetic disorders or vaccine related incidents, there is no concrete

evidence that autism derives from any of these theories. There has been foundations

set up in the Colorado area that are beginning to gather data about autism. The start

was slow and the patience of parents with autistic children is wearing thin. The physical

and mental exhaustion of raising an autistic child is beginning to show on parents,

teachers, and medical personal.

The parents of these children are spending thousands in special classes that

deal with speech, social skills, and behavior and there money is not returning the yield

of research that is needed to help this epidemic problem. Parents have spent hours

scanning the web hoping for a glimmer of hope from a researcher or parent that has

observed a breakthrough. The education and treatment of autistic children has reached

monumental records while the government has not put in a full effort of research money

into the coffer.

In the early 1990s only a dozen or so doctors or scientists were totally devoted to

the study of autism. Society is just seeing the need for more research but the parents of

autistic children have seen and have desired the need for almost two decades. It is

estimated that the care for an autistic child will reach around four million dollars per child

during their lifetime. This includes the special educational services that are draining the

funds from our public schools. An autistic child who attends public school has a full time

teacher, a single paraprofessional assigned to them, speech therapist, occupational

therapists, behavior specialist, and psychologists.

The annual government money spent on a special education child is six

thousand five hundred dollars. The money spent on the autistic child by the school

system sometimes cost in excess of ten thousand dollars. The money is pulled from

regular education classes, after school programs, and other programs that are vital for a

public school to educate its entire population. The money comes from your taxes, but

the government is doing little to facilitate research that could bring down public cost.

This is only the public’s contribution indirect from the government. Think about

the costs of the parents and the restriction of a right to live a normal life. These parents

and teachers should be applauded, but the call for more money for research from the

government has to be made. If you feel strongly about this, contact your state

congressman or representative and tell them. The public and private cost of autism will

rise as fast as the percentage of cases diagnosed. At a 172% increase, how the

parents or we as a nation afford not to fund research.

Chapter 10 – How is Autism Treated

There have been stories and tales of a cure or magical treatment for autism.

These claims are not true. They set up the hopes and dreams of both parents and

teachers alike only to be disenchanted with the discovery that the claim is false. There

has only been one proven treatment for autism and the treatment is not a cure. The

treatment is an educational program that individually fits the autistic child’s abilities and

works around the disabilities to teach the child alternative forms of communication and

behavioral skills which will allow them some semblance of a normal adulthood.

When an autistic child reaches school age, there will be a meeting of

professionals including a psychologist, doctors, parents, speech therapists, and other

interested parties who will draw up an individualize education program for the child.

The program will look at the abilities of the child and what level of achievement the child

has had in the parent’s home and outside services. Mainstreaming the child into regular

classrooms is the goal of the program, but the child will be pulled out of mainstream

classes in order to provide special services which may include a speech instructor or an

behavior specialist who works on both the communication process and the behavior

associated with autism.

There are advocates that autistic children should be brought out of the

mainstream classes and put into a more restrictive environment that will limit the

sensory items that might distract or upset the child. The autistic child needs to have a

pattern in their lives and in the mainstream classroom; the hustle and bustle of public

education settings may lead them to sensory overload. Not only that but the social

aspect of being different and not being able to contribute or communicate to the rest of

the class can be heartbreaking to both the student and the teachers involved. The selfcontained

class room will break down tasks into manageable chunks that the child can

be successful and maybe eventually learn.

The treatment process goes on both at home and at school. The autistic child

must be taught how to appropriately interact with others. A common behavior in autistic

children is to take off their clothes. They see no sense of wrong or right by being nude

in public. Such behaviors need time and patience to mend and some methods might

work for one child and then be completely a failure for others. Parents, teachers, and

medical professionals need to keep abreast of new treatments so that they can replace

a treatment or method that has been proven a failure for a particular child. Sometimes

the behavior cannot be changed at all and the individualize education program must

come up with strategies to deal with the behavior.

Parents and teachers must remember that the autism is a life long condition and

as the child moves through life the treatments must change to fit the life period of that

child. For example, when puberty come along the autistic child will discover themselves

sexually and masturbation usually follows. The program must change to fit the new

behavior of masturbation and in a few years it must change again to teach the child the

appropriate behaviors with the opposite sex. The changes are not understood by the

child, but like Pavlov’s dog, a conditioned response may be instilled in the child and the

proper behavior may be a learned response.

Chapter 11 – How Is Autism Diagnosed

Autism diagnoses are different than most diagnoses of other disorders. It may

take doctors years to finally gather up enough evidence for the diagnoses of autism.

Parents usually are suspect long before the diagnoses is given because they can see

that the child may not give them eye contact or that the communication process that the

child has learned has started to regress after the first year and a half or so of life. The

average age for diagnoses in this country is between the age of two and three and that

is where the symptoms start to manifest themselves.

The difficulty in the diagnosis of autism is mainly due to the developmental

changes a child goes through during the first three years of life. When a child is

developing quickly the nuances of communication and social behavior may elude

doctors or even parents who are not specifically watching their child for autism. The

pattern of a child’s development is ever changing and without a close eye and

experience, the onslaught of autism is almost impossible to catch. Even the slightest

social blunder may be that the child just has some odd quirks and the line between

these quirks and minor autism is a very thin one.

Only the judgment of the doctor is the determining factor to label a child autistic.

Some autistic children have gone through their entire life with the label of emotionally

disabled or behaviorally challenged. Many doctors stay away from this label because of

the emotional impact on the parents or care providers and the chance of lawsuits if the

label causes adverse reactions later in life. There are no medical tests that can be

administered that would clearly define autism. The doctor’s opinion is the only thing that

will label a child and put them in a category among special needs that hasn’t even really

been defined or researched much.

The criterion for autism is determined by a panel of doctors who compare related

cases and find a common symptom. Though the criterion is sketchy at best, right now it

is the only way some doctors can comfortably make a diagnosis. Most clinicians and

medical personal use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders to

classify autism and the basic guidelines only include the manifestations of

communication use and social behavior. Another guideline that is usually diagnosed as

compulsive behavior is the constant vigilance toward established patterns or norms.

The autistic child will find their comfort zone in a specific path they will walk

around their house or at school. They may be schedule oriented in which they will

follow a specific schedule and will refuse to deviate from it. If a autistic child is made to

change their pattern they will lose control of emotions and behavior. Behavior exhibited

could be uncontrolled anger to verbal confrontation of an unpleasant manner. The need

to follow the specific pattern in built into their system as a way to deal with an ever

changing world.

The one thing that the criterion does not cover is the fixation on certain things.

Some autistic children can memorize entire books if it is something that they really like.

One autistic boy in Wyoming could recite the entire series of Dr. Seuss books. He

would recite the entire book including the title and reference sections.

Chapter 12 – Myths about Autism

As with all disorders that people do not understand, myths and claims are made

out of ignorance and become apart of urban legend that confuses the public and puts

misinformation out there that could detrimental to the parent looking for an answer to

their dilemma. Autism is a disease with an unknown cause and an unknown cure. This

mysterious mental disorder is something for parents to be frightened about and the

myths that pop up on the internet or in conversation does not help the placate the

emotions of the parent who is facing life with an autistic child.

One of the myths of autism is that autism is caused by an uncaring or distant

parent. This is an awful presumption that should be stifled when ever heard. Autism is a

neurological brain disorder that makes the child have anti-social or poor social habits.

The environment or relationship between mother and child has nothing to do with the

cause of the disease. The relationship with a distant mother may only the hinder the

timeliness of a diagnosis because she was not paying attention to the symptoms, but

the assumption that the relationship is the cause of the disease is false.

Another myth that has circulated is that autistic children and idiot savants are the

same thing. Amazing feats of memorization or counting has been seen in very few

autistic children. Most autistic children fixate on a subject or a genre and become

experts in it, but others have no abilities at all. The fixation may be root of the myth and

the very few that exhibit these incredible mental powers are often exploited and have

been shown to wide audiences. The Tom Cruise movie ‘Rain Man’ centered on a

autistic adult with counting prowess and this could be where the public passes on this


A myth brought on by marketers and promoters of nutritional supplements is the

idea that special diets and nutritional supplements can cure autism. This may be great if

you are a parent that is desperately searching for something that will help their kid, but

the only thing a special diet or nutritional supplement will do for the child is to make

them a healthier autistic child. The autism will still be there, but as with every human,

the nutritional supplements and diet will only make the autistic child healthy and not

cure the neurological imbalance the exists.

Another sad myth is that children with autism will never have the comfort of

human relationships. This is completely false. Autistic children just communicate

differently than others. They may feel love and hate but they cannot display the

emotion as the rest of society would expect it to be shared. Autistic adults have fell in

love, gotten married and even have had a series of successful relationships as single

adults. Autistic couples are common with high functioning autism and they more than

any one else understands the pain of not being able to communicate the emotion they

are feeling.

If you hear somebody spreading these myths around, confront them and set

them straight. These kinds of myths dismantle what parents, teachers, and medical

professionals have been trying to build for years and that is a true understanding of

autism. Such falsehoods can shake the resolve of parents who have autistic children

and destroy hopes of finding the cause and a cure. The parents are desperate to find

both and these myths only dump on their dreams.

Chapter 13 – How to Look for Autism Signs in Infants

With the incidents of autism up 172% since the 1990s, parents are anxious to

find out if their baby has a chance to acquire autism. Seven out of every ten thousand

infants will develop autism within the first three years of life. The sad thing about the

diagnosis of autism is that the symptoms are subtle to about one and half years of age

and most doctors and even parents are hard pressed to find what symptoms they

should worry about and what symptoms they should ignore. Since the baby is

developing so fast, the symptoms do not usually manifest themselves until you see the

baby regressing from the speech and social skills they have learned so far.

Remember that not one single behavior will point to autism, though a single

symptom should not be ignored. The diagnosis of autism is still largely undefined

because the autistic child can acquire various degrees of the disorder. The first thing a

parent should be aware of is loss of some speech or behavior that has been learned

and is now not demonstrated. For example is the words Daddy or Mommy was in the

vocabulary and for some reason they are used less and less, the child may be loosing

the brain function for memory and communication. If the words are dropped from the

vocabulary all together and no new words replace, it is time for concern.

Another subtle symptom that could or could not be autism is the formation of two

sentence words by the second year of age. If a child cannot for simple sentences like

‘Daddy go’ or ‘Mommy love’ it come be that your child is suffering from the onslaught of

autism. This is not always the case though. Your child may have another disability that

deals with speech and language or a learning disability and autism should not be

considered the object of the speech process, but is something to look at if you have

concerns that your infant has the ability to obtain autism.

At an even younger age, around the first year, if your child does not say any

words or even babble, then your concerns might be warranted for autism. Remember

there are other disorders out there that manifest themselves in the same way, but the

autistic aware parent should count this as one of the major symptoms and should be

concerned. If your child displays one or any of these characteristics, than you should

take them to a medical professional. Remember from the previous chapters that

doctors who are unfamiliar with autism will be hesitant to diagnose the disorder. If you

are not happy with the diagnoses of your doctor, take your child to a few more so you

will have a clear conscious and a satisfied mind.

Another thing is to watch your baby’s body language and expression of emotion.

If you are warm and cuddly with your baby and your baby does not react the way you

have seen other babies, this could be a red flag for autism. Observe other reactions

such as severe stress over loud noises or sudden moves. If you are talking to your

baby and you get no response or you wave your hands in front of your baby and there is

no eye contact or reaction, there is probably something wrong. Even if it is just a feeling

that you have, you need to seek medical attention so you can find out if your baby has

autism or another disorder. There is no cure for autism, but an early diagnosis can not

only add to the base of knowledge about autism but at the same time can help get your

baby treatment as soon as possible. An early detection can also set the parents up with

consoling that they need to learn how to raise an autistic child.

Chapter 14 – How Can Families Cope With an Autistic Child

and the Financial Burden

If your child has just been diagnosed with autism, you and your family are about

the have a life changing experience. After you get over the shock of an autistic

diagnosis you and your spouse will probably be overwhelmed with all the information

and misinformation there is about the disorder. Your doctor will probably suggest a

team of specialists who will take on the child’s case that will probably change during the

child’s lifetime as new symptoms appear or the child’s age and needs change. The cost

of an autistic child for services and care can run close to $4,000,000 during the child’s

lifetime and can drain savings accounts and put the family in heavy debt.

The first thing the family needs to change is their opinion of insurance. Some

people will take a good job without insurance just for a good paycheck or other benefits.

This can’t happen anymore. The parents or a least one of the parents has to have good

insurance from their employers. Without insurance your child will not get the level of

care that will give them the quality of life that your child deserves. The medical costs

and the supplemental costs of going to different therapists and clinicians can put your

bank account in financial shock and without insurance there will be little room for


Another thing to worry about is that you will get little financial assistance from the

government. The Americans with Disabilities Act allows your child social security

benefits and welfare, but most people who receive these funds can barely scratch out a

living with today’s economy. The supplemental money will have to come from the

parent’s wages and whatever other financial options there are. In some cases there are

clinical trials or case studies that will pay for the treatment for your child, but these are

usually experimental and if your child is in the control group of the experiment, then any

benefits will be negated. The control group is the group where nothing new is done to

them or a placebo is given instead of medication. A clinical trial can help with the

finances but could be heartbreaking for the family if not benefit is seen.

If you have the finances and the opportunity you might want to consider moving

outside of the United States. European countries and Canada have a different

philosophy in financing families with children with autism than does the United States.

The United States will spend millions in the public school system to have your child

taken care of educationally through special education programs. Since autism is a

unique disorder that is individualized most teachers, though they are trained, will not

have the same relationship with the child as the parents. European countries and

Canada siphon their monies in a different way. Instead of paying the doctors and

teachers, they pay the parents and let them choose the method of treatment and the

path of education. This will let the money go directly to the family and not a school

system that is poorly suited to devote this cash to the development and the treatment of

the child. Most of the time in public schools, autistic children are put with the mentally

retarded and severely disabled children who have totally different issues and learning

styles. If moving out of the country is not an option for you, you might want to find a

financial advisor that will help you plan for the future and the future expenses of your

autistic child. Stay insured and do not let your insurance lapse.

Chapter 15 – The Difference Between Asperger’s Syndrome

and Autism

According to the DSM-IV classifications asperger’s syndrome and autism are two

separate disorders. There is debate however because aspergers and autism exhibit

some of the same symptoms. The argument is that aspergers is a form an autism and

should not be listed as a separate entity when diagnosing the disorder or when devising

treatment. The argument relies on the idea that since there is no distinct criteria for

either disorder and they are both persuasive developmental disorders they should be

treated the same.

The argument about name is not just an argument on syntax, but an argument for

services and label. The services for an autistic child are far more extended than a child

diagnosed with asperger’s syndrome. The group that wants to keep the labels different

look at the argument from a research based idea. They want to see both syndromes

separate because research and treatment will follow two different paths and the benefits

of one path might bleed over to the other. This way is there is a break through in

asperger’s syndrome, that break through may help the autistic child.

According to the DSM-IV the diagnosis for both disorders are very similar. The

clinicians who diagnosis the patient looks at the severity of the symptoms and diagnose

on the severity of certain symptoms and the lack of severity in others. This gives the

doctor some leeway in the diagnoses but also leads to the idea that the diagnoses is not

a stringent as it appears or needs to be. The DSM-IV proponents argue that there

needs to be more criteria in the guidelines for both disorders in order to make a correct

diagnosis and a correct treatment plan.

The major distinction that now can be read from the manual is that autism, a

communication disorder, does not allow the child to communicate normally. This is

different in an asperger’s child because the asperger’s child may not understand the

communication that is presented to them. The autistic child understands but is not able

to neither respond to the communication nor give the proper response that is socially

acceptable. With an entire list of specifications for the disorder, it is sketchy that this

one ill defined symptom can be the separating point.

Another sticky difference between the disorders is the patient’s ability to have an

average intelligence. Some autistic children are mentally retarded. Though not all,

some have met the criteria that their IQ is below the measured rating of mental

retardation which is 69. The asperger’s child cannot be diagnosed with the disorder if

they have IQ with is 69 points or lower. Most asperger’s children have average to

above average intelligences. This is another argument. How many children that have

asperger’s syndrome are diagnosed as autistic just because they have a score that

labels them as mentally retarded? There is room for a lot of misdiagnosis and because

of that there are a lot of children that are in the wrong treatment programs.

If you are a parent of an autistic child that has a below average IQ, you might

want to look in to petitioning the diagnosis if the programs for as asperger’s syndrome

child is more beneficial for your child. Just because your child has the diagnosis of

autism, the case can be reviewed and with time and patience, you can find a team that

will make an alternative diagnoses.

Chapter 16 – Autism Assistance Dogs

Your autistic child is not blind nor has a physical disability that renders them

helpless, but most autistic children do lack the ability to make safe choices. Parents of

autistic children are diligent, they have to be, but wouldn’t be safer and give the parents

more peace of mind is there was an extra set of eyes watching their child. Now there is

a service that provides canine assistance to autistic sufferers. 4Paws, the first autistic

assistance dog agency, has dogs that can be placed with your autistic child and with a

doctor’s approval no family can be turned away.

One of the most disturbing phenomena concerning autism is the child’s ability to

just run away. You can be washing dishes and as soon as you turn your back your

child can be gone. There are normal situations in which a autistic child can make very

dangerous. They can fall into a pool or run into traffic and you would hardly know they

were gone. An autistic assistance dog would alert you if your autistic child was to

deviate from their normal pattern. Either by barking or by gaining your attention

physically, the autistic assistance dog will give you enough warning to catch the child

before they put themselves into danger.

Not only will the dog alert you that the child is missing but they will help you track

and find the child. The bond between the child and dog is something special and that

bond will instill the dog to protect and find your lost child. This relationship tends to be

odd for more autistic children because the bonding process does not happen

sometimes even if it is a human relationship. The communication process sometimes

even excludes the parent from a loving relationship. Testimonials from parents who

have received autistic assistance dogs say that they are amazed at how the animals

and children interact.

Another benefit to both parents and the child is the parent’s report that the child

has more feelings and compassion toward their dog then they do toward siblings or

adults. The parents also state that once the dog is placed in the home, the autistic child

shows less aggression and anger. In one case a parent said that there autistic child

stopped showing frustration all together. Before the canine assistant the child would

throw temper tantrums and physically attack the person they were angry at. Now the

child, when frustrated, goes and hugs his dog until the anger goes away.

Another behavior that is trained to the assistant dog is to recognize repetitive

behavior. If a child is prone to hand flapping as many autistic children demonstrate, it

usually takes the touch of a parent to redirect the behavior. Now that is the dog’s

responsibility. The dog will gently touch or nuzzle the child when the behavior happens

and the child will learn through conditioned response that they are presenting a negative

behavior and the behavior will stop.

The only reason that a dog will not be placed in your home is if your home is not

suitable for the pet. The cleanliness of your home and your financial ability to own a pet

is severely scrutinized. Also the safety of the pet is looked at. If your child is so violent

that the dog may be injured because of a temper tantrum or other aggressive action, the

agency has the right to deny you a dog or to pull the dog from your home. If you have a

puppy that you would like trained to be an autism assistant dog, 4Paws does offer a

school in which you, the child, and the dog will be taught to work together as a team.

Chapter 17 – Teaching Autistic Children

If you are a parent of an autistic child you need to put your child in a structured

environment as soon as he or she is diagnosed. Studies have proved that a structured

environment that provides nurturing and teaching is the best method to start to teach

the social skills and behavior redirection that your child needs. This can be an

exhausting job for a parent that leaves no time for personal relaxation or freedom of the

stress it takes in raising such a child. A team effort needs to be extended from other

professionals that service the child to turn taking between siblings and parents.

Your child will probably start formal public school at around the age of five or six.

Before this age, structure and instruction is critical for the child to development within

their abilities. You as a parent need to structure your day as well so that you have time

to deal with daily tasks and find some kind or recreation outside your child’s life.

Recreation for the parents is important for the parent’s mental well being as well as

quality of life. First you have to come up with a plan with realistic goals. You need to

know what activities your child will participate in what they will learn from it. You also

need to plan

When teaching your autistic child, remember not to use a long strand of phrases.

It is best to give clear concise ideas that go together. You might want to add tags to the

meanings of the phrases. For example if you are teaching the difference from left to

right and the words left to right. Affix a piece of paper to yours or your child’s hand with

words left and right on them. Most autistic children do not see in words, they see in

pictures. With the paper placed on the hands, not only does the child see the

movement of the hands but can associate the words left and right with it.

After awhile you will notice that your child is good at something such as drawing

or building blocks. You have to be creative, but find someway of including what they

are good at into the lesson you wish them to learn. Maybe you are teaching them the

word me. Find a picture of your child and put the word me on it. Have the child draw a

picture of themselves and to finish the drawing have them write me on the picture. This

may be a repetitive process and you may have to change it up a little, but eventually the

concept will be learned.

If you notice you child is fixated on something like a book, movie, or map, again

put that fixation to work with you. Earlier in this e-book the story of a autistic boy’s

fixation with the Titanic was discussed. The teacher or parent could use characters and

actions of the Titanic story to reinforce behavior, concepts, or social skills. Again you

will have to be creative and this type of teaching is not the norm for most educators.

You have to think outside of the box as the child is trying to not only get the message

from inside the box, but to find the box in the first place.

If you are teaching reading do not concentrate on one form of instruction. Some

autistic children can learn by phonics and some by sight words. Do not restrict your

method of instruction. Try both methods to see which one is right for your child.

Research has shown that a combination of sight words and phonics can be a very

successful for the non-autistic student and it might be a good start to get your child the

way to reading and comprehension.

Sounds and visual distractions are other areas for concern when teaching the

autistic child. Sounds such as school bells are fire alarms can hurt their ears and cause

either a violent reaction or bad behavior. Record the sounds that the child should be

used to and then let them playback the sounds at the volume of their choice. When

they are comfortable with one sound, encourage them to increase the volume the

volume until they can take the sound at the volume it will occur. Visual stimulation is

also a problem for the autistic child. Place them at a desk with blinders and very little

visual stimulation except for the task that they are doing. Even the flickering of

fluorescent lighting can cause the mind and the eyes to wander from their intended task.

If you are trying to teach eye contact during conversation, physical activity or

interaction is best. Swinging has been shown to increase eye contact. Only when the

child wants to swing should the parent or teacher use this method. As the child is

swinging talk to them. The motion that is fluid in front of them and their peripheral vision

will be to much for them to concentrate on. The swinging motion will force the child to

give you eye contact as you talk to them. This method takes a long time to work so the

teacher or parent has to have patience and perseverance.

Don’t just rely on sound and sight to teach your autistic child. You may want to

try touch, especially if the child is older and the other two senses are not helping. If you

want to teach your child numbers and he or she is not getting it. Try to make or buy

some plastic numbers. Give them a plastic number and let them hear the word of the

number. As they feel it, some connection might be made to the word and their

association of touch along with the verbal connection might be enough for them to learn

the word of a number. You can come up with many kinds of manipulatives, but if one

doesn’t work then change the manipulative before the child learns the wrong concept.

The chapter was started with the idea that the parent had to schedule teaching

time in their child’s and their schedule. It might be a good idea to hire a nanny or baby

sitter particularly trained to teach a concept. It might even be for two to three hours a

day. This will give you time to get your daily tasks complete and at the same time you

know your child is being looked after by someone who is sensitive to their condition. A

good activity that might work well for a nanny would just be playtime. She could teach

concepts like taking turns, winning and losing, and following specific rules of the game.

The child could have a social interaction lesson while you go to the grocery store or get

your hair done.

Remember the education and the educational schedule for your child is

important, but you have to have some ‘me’ time. Even if you have the patience of a

god, anyone will be worn down by the constant attention to their child. If a child has

speech therapy for an hour a day, schedule yourself a nap, a reading time, or just time

to take a hot bath during that time. You have to break yourself away from being the

constant care giver. Sure you can do it, but the stress and mental anguish you would

suffer would not be a good thing for you or your child’s education. You can’t give up

eighteen or more years of your life just to be a hero to your child. You know you can do

it, but schedule time for yourself.

Chapter 18 – The Fixation Behavior of an Autistic Child

Fixation is a common characteristic in the behavior of an autistic child. The child

may be fixated on a book, a picture, a person, maps, music, numbers, or a movie.

Whatever the fixation, the high functioning autistic child will become a resident expert on

the subject. They will memorize and will be able to regurgitate in rote the exact amount

of information they are fixated on. They may even to be able to read music aloud by

sounding out the notes or something more simplistic, your child may be fixated by a

music artist and have all their songs memorized.

Fixations can be a good thing. The old method of taking the fixation away from

the child has been replaced with the idea of using the fixation to facilitate learning. If a

child is fixated on a certain television cartoon, turn the sound off and let them read

through close captioning what is going on. If they all the words to the program they are

fixated on, they will soon begin to associate the words with actual audio sound. Not

only does this placate the fixation, but it uses the fixation to stimulate learning in a new


A little know fact about communication and fixation was what the autistic child

looked at when they fixated. A research study that looked at video tapes of autistic

children interacting during play showed that most of the time during verbal

communication the child would fixate of objects instead of faces. When the child finally

gave the person talking eye contact, the item of fixation was the mouth instead of the

eyes. You can use this fact to be conscious of how your mouth moves when you are

talking. If you get a positive reaction from a word, it may not be the word that motivates

your child; it may be the position in which your mouth was in.

The eye contact problem has been addressed by research and the fixation of the

mouth area mystery has been solved. Researchers say that the amygdale is

responsible for creating a fear by looking in a person’s eye. Can you imagine not being

able to look anybody in the eye because your brain registers their eyes as a threat?

This is sad because for years teachers and parents have emphasized eye contact as a

behavior change when actually they were making the students learn to deal with their


Remember that fixation may be much more involved than just an over exuberant

liking of one thing or another. The fixation may be a bridge between understanding and

association. The fixation can be manipulated to a learning experience that not only

contains the fixation information but adds everyday concepts to the fixation experience.

Use all the senses when presenting something about the fixation and the concepts you

want addressed. Let there be smells, visions, sound, and touch. If one sense does not

make the connection then maybe the other sense will pick it up.

The fixation is not just misplaced attention to one subject. It is something that

they can grasp and of course they are going to like it when they are actually

communicating knowledge they are going to be successful at. Their brain has finally

found a place of function and normalcy. To stifle their creative and learning experience

by taking away their fixation may be a huge mistake. If the fixation is healthy and no a

danger to the child, then embrace it and expand on it. The fixation and the concepts

you teach in the alignment of that fixation can make your child’s life easier and happier.

Chapter 19 – The Autism Society of America

The Autism Society of America or ASA is an organization that encompasses an

army of volunteers that staff a website that provides information on autism and collects

donations for research and other positive autism outlets. The ASA has not only vowed

to help in the education, advocacy, and treatment of autistic individuals, but they have

also vowed to help the parents and the experts facilitate information of autistic issues

and at the same time build a support group to help both autistic children and their


The ASA has continued this mission in their mission statement which declares

that they will try to be the number one resource in the collection and distribution of

autistic information that is presented. They intend to keep the integrity of the autistic

individual intact as well as protecting the autistic community as a whole. They pledge to

have a respectful communication of ideas that are positive in the needs of the autistic

population and at the same time to disclaim any misinformation or myths that evolve

around autism.

Stating in 1965 with a handful of parents, ASA has grown into the world’s leadinr

in providing information, presenting research, and providing as much reference about

autism then any other source. ASA has over 200,000 members and at least 200

chapters in the United States and around the world. Not only does the ASA provide

information for the teachers, parents, and individuals with autism, they also have

created programs of public awareness. The more the public knows about autism, the

less chance misinformation or defamatory actions will take place.

The ASA offers scholarships and rewards to students and individuals who are

actively participating in the ongoing research and collection of information on autism.

The scholarships may help the student or individuals pay for schooling or to continue

research. There are other scholarships that deal with just funding for schooling of

autistic students that need funds or who have excelled academically at a higher level of

learning. Awards also go out to autism organizations of the year, parents of the year, an

autistic student of the year, and the autism professional of the year. These efforts go to

recognize these individuals and to encourage more participation in the autism effort.

The store at ASA doesn’t have many items, only four, but if you are sincere about

autism they are of great worth. They offer a support autism research rubber wristband

that will tell the public about your conviction to rid the world of autism. They offer an

Autism for Dummies books which breaks down the mystery of autism in layman’s

language. This resource can help both teachers and parents. They also offer a

reference guide for autism in Spanish. Autism is not localized to any race, nationality,

or religion. This guide provides information for the large Hispanic community that is

present in the world. If you are really into the goings on of the ASA, the 2005 and 2006

autism conferences on audio so you can listen to the discussions live.

The site needs volunteers and supporters. Even if you are not an autistic parent,

the ASA can offer you the opportunity to be apart of something greater than the

individual. Sign up and participate today and maybe autism will be eradicated with your

effort or donation.

Chapter 20 – Childproofing Your Home for Your Autistic


When you raise an autistic child, especially in the younger years, you really worry

about their safety and their whereabouts. The autistic child does not react to normal

stimuli nor do they respond to verbal commands as quickly as a non-autistic child. Their

curiosity and lack of understanding of danger may put them in harms way more that a

normal pre-school child. There are certain things you can do to make your home more

autistic child friendly and these few precautions could make your household safer and

give you peace of mind.

Locks and latches are the best thing to keep cabinets closed and locked from the

curiosity of your autistic child. Chemicals and cleaners need to be kept locked and

anytime there are in use, they need to be watched carefully. Lock away anything that

could be a source of harm to your child. This could include the knife drawer, your

sewing basket, chemical closets, and other things that you could foresee as a possible

harm for your child. There should be locks on anything of danger especially gun

cabinets and other things that would be a danger to anyone.

Using a cordless or wireless phone is a good idea as you go through the day with

your autistic child. Talking on the phone and being restricted to one place during your

conversation will take away your concentration on supervision. Another reason you

might want to consider a cordless phone is to have the availability to call for assistance

if you are your child is in danger. The wireless phone will let you tend to your business

and also give you the assurance that help is just a phone call away.

It may not be the greatest danger but you should bind up your cords from your

drapes and curtains. A curious mind can conjure all sorts of dangerous activities with a

hanging cord. They are in danger of hanging themselves or getting caught in the cord

and having a panic attack that could lead to dangerous behavior. If you have pets, an

autistic child could innocently injure them by tying them to the cord. Anything that loops

and could fit around the next should be put up out of reach or bound so that your child

can not use it in a dangerous manner.

Not only does the inside of you house need to be childproofed, but the outside as

well. Watch your child around swing sets or tire swings. Again the danger of getting

caught in the chains or wrapping a rope around their neck is possible. Watch out for

lawnmowers and other dangerous lawn grooming equipment. The curious mind might

have watched daddy start and mow the lawn and the danger of the blades might not

have stuck in the mind as much as the process of getting it started. If you have a

fenced in lawn, make sure there is a latch and a lock on the gate. Autistic children have

a skill of disappearing when your back is turned and it would be easier to find them in

the backyard than having to search for them down the street.

This information may seem redundant, but the reality is that your child may have

different motives than what you perceive. With the lack of communication skills and the

lack of social behavior, the child can put themselves into a lot of danger very easily.

Just use common sense and make supervision a number one priority.

Chapter 21 – Autism and Nutritional Supplements

Autism is a terrible disorder that cripples the abilities of some parents with autistic

children to reasonably discern between false hopes for cures and a research based

study. Most autistic parents have searched the internet, talked to doctors, and have

read scores of literature to find help in the treatment and the cure for autism. Their

searches usually ends up fruitless because at this time there in no cure for autism. This

is heart breaking news for the parents and sometimes it will send them down the road of

the unconventional methods that promise the moon but only delivers more bills and the

realization that the methods did not help.

One of the most notorious claims that are made today, that have duped millions

into believing it, is that nutritional supplements can cure autism. These shysters have

taken the symptoms of autism like severe gastrointestinal problems and have spun tails

that just by adding nutritional supplements to the diet of the autistic child the child will

regain their cognitive skills and will be able to function normally. This is not true. All

you will get when giving your child nutritional supplements is a healthier autistic child.

There is no miracle cure and these companies are out for the dollar not for the cure.

The Food and Drug Administration has issued a statement that: “Parents of

autistic children can be desperate and provide easy targets for unproven therapies.

Marketers of dietary supplements for autistic children contend that their products

promote more complete food digestion, thereby preventing neuro-toxic molecules that

contribute to autism. This is a false and unsupported claim.” To back this up there has

been no founded research that backs these claims nor has any medical organization or

association given even a hint of support. Even the Autistic Association of America has

down played nutritional supplements as a therapy.

Educated parents in the scientific community, who have autistic children, have

made a grievance with the Food and Drug Administration. They believe that the agency

should not make a statement against nutritional supplements until the people who

believe in them, marketers and parents alike have a say. They have asked that a forum

be open to discuss home based research and they discoveries parents have made by

changing the diet of their children. Without proven documented research the success of

these parents cannot really be taken seriously by the scientific community. The sad

thing is that if there is success, the Food and Drug Administration may be swayed by

the pharmaceutical industry not to act of the information unless there is formal research.

The research that has been done on the subject is very limited. After a review of

three research studies, all three seem to have a slant toward the nutritional supplement

industry. The words were written in a defensive tone that pushed the supplements but

gave very few actual clinical trails to the success. The data gathering method used was

mostly parent surveys. There were no laboratory or scientific method guidelines that

could give statistical data when correlated with a control group. Used in a qualitative

model, the opinions of parents and their observations were made the focus instead of a

quantitative model which would give statistics and the actual growth or retention of

growth of the autistic child.

If these supplements were to work, they would alleviate some symptoms of

autism but it would not be a cure. It could be easily understood why parents see

improvement. If there son or daughter shows at least a notch of improvement, in their

mind the treatment works.

Chapter 23- Toilet Training the Autistic Child

Toilet training any toddler can be an adventuresome and tiring ordeal. There are

many methods that have hit the markets lately and these methods can range anywhere

between diapers that change color when wet to musical toilets that reward the child with

music when they use the potty. This task is more difficult when your child has autism.

When communication is a problem, as with most autistic children, letting an adult know

you need to use the bathroom can be almost impossible endeavor. Some autistic

children reach the double digits in age before they learn to ask for and to use the toilet.

Most autistic children do not have the skill and sometimes to desire to mimic or

imitate a behavior. Just because the parents are using the toilet and they demonstrate

the behavior, the autistic child will refuse or not get the connection between the right or

wrong of toilet training. Most autistic children’s schedule is full and when you add

something new to the schedule it usually upsets them emotionally. The addition of toilet

training to their regiment could cause out right rebellion and bad behavior because they

do not want to get outside of their normal daily activity.

If you are having trouble toilet training your autistic child, you might want to

observe them for a few days before you try again. Watch and see if the child actually

notices when they soil themselves. Do they reposition themselves so that they are not

uncomfortable after an accident? Some autistic children feel natural in their own wastes

while other will react by taking off their clothes. If your child is ignoring their soiling,

consult with a doctor to see if your child has a medical condition that would prevent

them from recognizing the feeling they are experiencing.

Now here is your part in toilet training. You need to relax and not stress over it.

Time will make it happen and your stress and high emotion will only cause the stress of

your child. Even the most conscious parent will overreact when they have to change

yet another diaper. If your child sees it’s no big deal for you, then they can relax and let

the behavior come naturally. You do have to stay diligent to get the job done thought. If

your child is not toilet trained by school age, limitations may be set for opportunities for

education and further socialization.

One method is to watch what your child does before they soil themselves. Write

down a list of what they do and when they do it. If you realize that your child gets up in

the morning and drinks a glass of juice and twenty minutes later they soil themselves,

then you have something to work with. If the child goes through the same routine, you

can put the child on the toilet during the time they normally soil themselves and see

what happens. Once you get the morning soiling scheduled, add on an afternoon and

evening. Pretty soon the body will work out the system even though the child does not.

It is repeated, routine behavior and eventually the child will be bought in.

Does this sound like a lot of hard work? It is. Even parents of non-autistic

children stress and labor over potty training their child. Each parent will give you a

different bit of advice about what worked for them, but you as a parent of an autistic

child know what extra you are in for. Be patient. Try different methods and remember

that you have probably never seen a teenage in pampers. It takes time and patience.

Chapter 23- Difficulties of an Autistic Adult

That’s right, autistic kids grow up. This entire text has been devoted to the

autistic child, but what about autistic adults? What kinds of difficulties do autistic adults

have when they are in our society, at the workplace, or raising a family of their own?

Many autistic adults work, go to school, and live a semi-normal life. There are autistic

professors at universities, autistic doctors, and there are some autistic adults that work

at Burger King. Remember each autistic person is an individual and has different

abilities according to their autism.

One of the challenges the autistic adults have the face is assumptions about their

ability to do a task. An employer or co-worker will not assign a specific work related

task to an autistic adult employee because it is assumed that they cannot do the task or

will not do it correctly. These assumptions are picked up by the autistic adult and

emotional pain is felt when they are judged by their peers. They have a want and a right

to try any task that is put before another peer and not be prejudged.

The world also has trouble with the autistic adult not being able to initiate a

conversation or other social interaction. Most autistic adults have trouble giving eye

contact and in the work place there are people that do not understand this and will be

offended because of it. Shaking hands and other social gestures are sometimes difficult

for them. Some adults will even avoid using the bathroom because the interaction in a

closed public restroom is to much for them to bear. The employer should be educated

on the behaviors of their autistic employee and precautions should be put in place to

avoid embarrassment and miscommunication.

Hygiene is another problem for the autistic adult. Some autistic adults have a

hard time combing their hair or brushing their teeth. Sensitivity in these areas cause

them to avoid grooming or bathing all together. Some avoid and some just give up.

They know they have problems and after awhile it is easier to ignore them than to face

them at all. Simple chores like laundry may be ignored and the employees and other

adults in the workplace can make some pretty cruel comments about the cleanliness of

the adult.

Eating and nutrition are sometimes a problem for the autistic adult. They will

refuse any food that offends their senses or gives them a bad feeling. Sometimes they

will not know how to prepare food and will eat less nutritious foods in substitute. The

act of deciding what too much food is and what is to little is another issue. Sometimes

an autistic adult will gorge themselves when eating, while another individual will eat just

enough to stay alive. Some autistic adults have quirks about what and how they eat.

Foods sometimes need to be separated from other foods or a mixture of foods will

cause a bad reaction.

If you have an autistic child that is an adult or you are an autistic adult reading

this, the only way that the uninformed public to understand what autism is and how it

affects the individual is awareness and education. Hopefully the world will learn and

understand the special nature of an autistic child and adult and they can embrace the

uniqueness and understand their issues.

Chapter 22 – Alternative Treatments for Autism

As with most disorders and diseases there is always a claim from doctors that

there is an alternative treatment. These claims can not go unchecked. The doctors

who have tried alternative treatments may have found success and the treatment has

just not gone through proper channels to be approved. If you are a parent of an autistic

child, you might want to check into alternative treatments. If there is any chance of

success or improvement in your child’s ability to communicate better or to have better

social skills there is no harm in giving it a try.

One alternative treatment is the use of nalrexone. Nalrexone has had a few

reports of the positive change it has made in some autistic patience. Remember there

are levels of autism and the results for one child will be just about as individualized as

the disorder. Nalrexone blocks the actions of the endogenous opioids which are like the

endorphins that give pleasure to the brain. Research has shown that some autistic

children have a high concentration of these endorphins in their brain. The

improvements noted by observers of children with autism on nalrexone have included

increased eye contact, better social skills, and reduction of clumsy behavior that could

lead to self-injury.

When trying to use behavior altering drugs on an autistic child, you really have to

look at the side effects associated with the medication. The side effects sometimes

outweigh the benefits. The autistic child is wired differently than most patients. The

child may need higher dosages of medication that can cause dramatic changes in their

liver functions or other vital organs. The medications may have to be monitored and the

dosages changed to get the desired behavior changes. More blood and lab work will

have to be done to make sure that the medications are not damaging any other tissue.

The opposite might be true. People with autism have a more sensitive nervous

system than most people. A lower dosage might be required, where a high dosage

would overload the nervous system and have severe emotional and physical

consequences. A good indicator that your child has to high of a dose of medication is

that he or she will get up earlier in the morning. If this happens consult with your doctor

and reduce the dosage.

Another treatment that may be unconventional is the use of acupuncture. Even

those skilled in this Chinese treatment state that autism is non-curable. They do say

that when they have treated autistic children with acupuncture, the parents report slight

improvement. The acupuncturists theorize that the benefit comes from the neurons that

the needles stimulate in the brain. There have been no research regarding acupuncture

and autism and the only reports have been the ones from parents. Again, most parents

are looking for anything that helps and sometimes the improvements are real and

sometimes they are just manifestations of false hope.

As with any new treatment, you should consult with your doctor or your team of

professionals that are already assembled to help your child through treatment. Trying

alternative methods and medicines alone can set up both you and your child for failure.

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